Robotic Pick-Up

Unleash the full potential of retail through the power of automation and convenience.

The retail industry is at a tipping point. In 2019 global e-commerce sales reached $3.53 trillion and are predicted to grow to $6.54 trillion by 2022.

The e-commerce boom has led to unparalleled growth in inefficient, inconvenient ‘last mile” urban deliveries that pose a threat to the continued growth of e-commerce.

In order to unleash the full potential of retail we need to remove the bottleneck that is the last mile of delivery and provide consumers and retailers with innovative, convenient, and efficient delivery and collection options.

The Solutions

Through a combination of research and development, production capacity, and experience, Retail Robotics has efficiently developed and delivered robotic pick-up machines for e‑commerce and e‑grocery that are unique in their efficiency and functionality.

Robotic Parcel Lockers


PickupHero – The world’s smallest parcel locker solution for e-commerce.

Maximise vertical and non-retail space, boost sales, increase footfall.

Robotic e-grocery Click & Collect


Arctan - the most efficient click and collect solution for e-grocery retailers on the market today!

Optimise capacity. Decrease cost. Increase consumer convenience.

What makes Retail Robotics different

Retail Robotics help clients unleash the full potential of retail by increasing both online and offline sales through automation and convenience.

Advantages of Robotic Solutions

PickupHero and Arctan have the smallest footprint to capacity ratio on the market (they can fit 90% of stores), are powered by advanced robotics, and are designed to make e-commerce, e-grocery, parcel delivery, and pick up as convenient as possible.

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Retail Robotics

Retail Robotics is a leading business technology company that delivers solutions that unleash the full potential of e-commerce, e-grocery, and high street retail. Their solutions simultaneously improve the efficiency and convenience of delivery and click and collect processes for both retailers and consumers.

With more than 30 years’ experience in mechanical manufacturing and over a decade of research and development Retail Robotics has developed powerful robotic click and collect machines and parcel lockers that are at the forefront of innovation.